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God in Christianity... What is His Nature?

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  • A Description of the Wudhu' of the Prophet

    As the name implies, this book discussing the Wudhu (ablution, performed before prayer) of the Messenger of Allah (saw).

    Reveiwers: Muhammad AbdulRaoof



  • Ruling of the Udhiyah [Eid Sacrifice]

    During the annual event of Eid al-Adha, millions of Muslims join together in similar act of performing the Udhiyah, so what are the Ruling of al-Udhiyah? What are the Conditions of al-Udhiyah? What should the Muslim avoid in the first ten days of Dhul-Hijjah if he wants to offer a sacrifice?. These questions and more pertaining this great act of worship are getting answered in this book.

    Publisher: Islamic Propagation Office in Rabwah



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    Translators: Muhammad Bin Munir Al-Qashlan

    Publisher: International Islamic Publishing House



  • Great Women of Islam

    This book is about the life stories of the Mothers of the Believers and 16 other Sahabyat who had been given the good news of the paradise in this world by Prophet Muhammad (S). There are good examples in the lifestyle of the Mothers of the believers and women Companions especially for the Muslim women. It is necessary for all of us to study the Seerah of these noble and fortunate women. Besides the Mothers of the believers, the compiler of the book has included the description of those sixteen women who had been given the good News of the Paradise in this world by the Prophet Muhammad (S). Although the original book is in the Urdu language but the efforts of the translator had made it more beneficial for the readers.



  • Humility in Prayer

    Ibn Rajab al-Hanbali This is a treatise we have written concerning humility (Khushu') and the hearts meekness and breaking (inkisar) before the Lord. The basic meaning of Khushu', is the softness of the heart, its being gentle, still, submissive, broken, and yearning. When the heart is humble, so too is the hearing, seeing, heard, and face; indeed all the limbs and their actions are humbled, even speech. The source of the Khushu, that takes place in the heart is the gnosis of Allah's greatness, magnificence, and perfection.



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